9785 Muscallounge Road Glen Haven, WI is where you will find this country property with a well maintained home on 6.5 acres with 2 additional outbuildings. So much that can be enjoyed with this purchase. Property makes a great place to hunt, to raise and enjoy animals and nice workshops for the backyard mechanic or plenty of storage. Another opportunity would be to have a home based business. The home features 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 2 living rooms, 1 with a wood stove and a 2 car garage. Easy to see the pride of ownership from this 1 owner home. The shed sizes are 36x32 and 24x24. The wooded acreage makes for some great hunting opportunites and you would not need to leave your property to do so. Come take a look at this one, country properties with acreage are always rare to find.